The Marilyn Experience

Marilyn Turbo Lift

60 Minutes - $110

The non surgical facelift has arrived.

Think of this one as a "workout for your face". Imagine how much tighter your face would be if you could send it to the gym? Well thats what facial lifting does...restores healthy glow, lifts and tightens sagging muscles in just one hour.

Marilyn Non Surgical

105 Minutes - $180

This cutting edge non-surgical treatments combines micro current, LED Light Therapy and a skin brightening enzyme peel for maximum rejuvenation. A fabulous alternative to a surgical face lift that looks natural and is affordable. This "muscle re-education" procedure is painless and helps to lift and tighten underlying facial muscles and lifts sagging skin. Results are dramatic.

Marilyn LED Turbo Lift

75minutes - $140

Turn back the clock on aging-LED pulsed light treatments stimulate and regenerate skin cells and promote cellular turn over using specific light frequencies. The LED succeeds by passing its light through the skin in order to help promote collagen firmness. The skin naturally appears smoother, tighter and more radiant as the collagen becomes more firm. We combine our LED Lift with the Turbo lift for even more drastic results with no recovery period. The LED Light Therapy is most effective in a series of 6 biweekly treatments followed by maintenance treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.